Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Sun Provides Alternative Source For Portable Electricity

When most people think about generators they instantly think of a power outage, the two seem to be automatically linked. While anybody that owns a generator will tell you, the benefit of having one is most noticeable when the electricity is out the truth is there are a number of other benefits if you happen to own a solar powered generator.

The difference between a traditional gas generator and a solar generator is night and day and for those who own a gas generator they may be all too familiar with the darkness associated with night. A gas generator may bring temporary relief to a power outage but for every positive there is a drawback that just can't be ignored. The opposite is true for the solar generator for every benefit new benefits can spring.

Think about the gas generator; the noise, the fumes, the weight and the constant need to refuel. You may keep your lights on during a power outage but that running generator will be a constant reminder why those lights are on. In comparison, the solar generator makes no noise, emits no fumes, is portable and requires no fuel- it draws its energy from the sun and converts that energy into electricity for your appliances.

There really is no need to try and compare a solar generator and gas generator as the benefits listed above clearly indicate it's an unfair comparison. So let's just focus on the benefits of the solar powered generator.

and how you can not only enjoy more freedom but save money as well.

Back to the first issue addressed in the opening paragraph, the idea that generators are an emergency source of electricity. While that may be true it is also incomplete. The truth is the solar generator is an excellent tool to lowering or eliminating your monthly electricity bill.

Because the solar generator is constantly recharging it produces constant electricity, meaning the appliances you plug into the solar generator have a reliable source of electricity to stay powered. Imagine how much money you would save if you just ran your refrigerator, computer, television and lamps through your solar generator.

If saving money isn't your thing and you don't mind shelling out your dollars each month to the power company the solar powered generator still has benefits for you. Say you only want that generator for an emergency, do you really want to rely on a gas generator?

Think about it, most emergencies result in power outages and when the power goes out the pumps shut down, that means long lines at the filling station getting fuel for your gas generator. Even if you have fuel you have no idea how long that power outage is going to last, meaning you could be forced to lean on that gas generator for days. Not a problem for the solar generator, never needing fuel and providing constant power solves those problems.

The solar generator also offers convenience as a benefit. An important aspect of the solar generator is that it's portable, making it easy to transport to wherever you're going.

Say you want to tailgate on Sunday and want to power up your television while you're cooking on the grill, do you really want that loud gas generator kicking out fumes that ruin the taste of your food? What about getting out of the city and enjoying some camping, the ease of bring the solar generator and the simple set up makes it easy to keep the convenience of electricity within reach.

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